Chlorophorus pelletieri (Laporte de Castelnau & Gory, 1841)
[= Chlorophorus pelleteri (Laporte de Castelnau & Gory, 1841)]

Subfamilia: CERAMBYCINAE  /  Tribus: CLYTINI
Chlorophorus pelletieri
[Photo © David Navrátil, click on the picture for 4K resolution]

Rare Maghrebian taxon Chlorophorus pelletieri has been described from Oran environs (Algeria) as Clytus pelleteri by French entomolgists Francis Louis Laporte de Castelnau and Hippolyte Louis Gory in 1841 [❖]. The biology of the species, not yet specified in the literature (larval development in Quercus coccifera was only assumed), was confirmed by finding a pupa in a branch of Kermes oak in Touissit (Morocco) and the subsequent successful rearing of an adult (David Navrátil, 2024). Adults, active from May to July, are diurnal and anthophilous [✧].

Body length:7 - 11 mm
Life cycle:2 years
Adults in:May - July
Host plant: Kermes oak (Quercus coccifera)
Distribution:Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria

The depicted beetles were: ♂ - collected 10 km E of Aoulouz (أولوز, Taroudant province, Souss-Massa region, Morocco); ♀ - reared from pupa found in dead Quercus coccifera branch in Touissit (تويسيت) environs (1120 m a.s.l., Jerada province, Oriental region, Morocco) on April 8, 2024.

Collected by L. Černý and David Navrátil

Laporte de Castelnau F.L. and Gory H.L.:
Monographie du genre Clytus.
Histoire naturelle et iconographie des insectes coleopteres, Paris, 3 [1836], 124pp, 1841. [download pdf icon]

Trócoli S.:
Actualización del catálogo de Longicornios de Marruecos Actualisation du catalogue des Longicornes du Maroc (Parte III / Partie III : Cerambycidae, Cerambycinae).
Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie (R.A.R.E.) 8 (3): 143-185, 2019 [download pdf icon]

Villiers A.:
Coléoptères Cérambycides de l'Afrique du Nord.
Faune de l'Empire Français, ORSC Paris, 5: 1-152, 1946. [download pdf icon]

SubfamiliaCerambycinae Latreille, 1802
TribusClytini Mulsant, 1839
GenusChlorophorus Chevrolat, 1863
SpeciesChlorophorus pelletieri (Laporte de Castelnau & Gory, 1841)