ssp. kindermanni Pic, 1905
[= Agapanthia kindermanni Pic, 1905]
[= Agapanthia amicula Holzschuh, 1989][✮]

[Photo © David Navrátil, click on the picture for 4K resolution]
Agapanthia dahli, widely distributed xerophilic European and Mediterranean species, has bes described from Hungary as Saperda Dahlii by C. F. W. Richter in 1821 [❖]. A. dahli is a typical xerophilous species inhabiting forest-steppes, steppes, uncultivated orchards and gardens, or ruderal areas. Its rare subspecies Agapanthia (Epoptes) dahli kindermanni, endemic to South Turkey, has been described from Turkey (?) as Agapanthia dahli var. kindermanni by Maurice Pic in 1905 [✮]. For some time, the taxon kindermanni Pic, 1905 was considered a separate species, it was downgraded back to the subspecies level by Maxim A. Lazarev in 2024 [✳].
Body length: 11 - 20 mm Life cycle: 1 year Adults in: May - June Host plant: thistles (Asteraceae) Distribution: a species endemic to Turkey
The depicted beetle was collected on thistles in Anṭākyä environs (Hatay province, South Turkey) on June 10, 1992.Collected by Michal Hoskovec
Pic M.:
Descriptions et Notes Diverses.
Matériaux pour servir à l'étude des Longicornes 5 (2): 5-15, 1905. [download]
Lazarev M.:
Taxonomic notes on longhorned beetles with the descriptions of several new taxa (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
Humanity space International almanac 13 (1): 21-38, 2024. [download]
Holzschuh C.:
Beschreibung neuer Bockkäfer aus Europa und Asien (Cerambycidae, Col.).
Koleopterologische Rundschau, Wien 59: 153-183, 1989. [download]
Özdikmen H.:
Turkish Agapanthiini Mulsant, 1839 with identification keys (Coleoptera: Lamiinae).
Munis Entomology & Zoology 8 (1): 9-40, 2013. [download]
Kasatkin D.S.:
Contribution to the knowledge of the genus Agapanthia Audinet-Serville, 1835 (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae: Lamiinae) from the Near East and Transcaucasia.
Caucasian Entomological Bulletin 16 (2): 233-249, 2020. [download]
Subfamilia | Lamiinae Latreille, 1825 |
Tribus | Agapanthiini Mulsant, 1839 |
Genus | Agapanthia Audinet-Serville, 1835 |
Subgenus | Epoptes Gistl, 1857 |
Species | Agapanthia (Epoptes) dahli (Richter, 1820) |
Subspecies | Agapanthia (Epoptes) dahli kindermanni Pic, 1905 |