Related Links
Databases & Encyclopedic sites
- BioLib.cz - an international encyclopedia of plants, fungi and animals
- Wikispecies - covers Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, Bacteria, Archaea, Protista and all other forms of life
- eol.org - Encyclopedia of Life
- iNaturalist.org - explore and share your observations from the natural world...
- Fauna Europaea - database of the scientific names and distribution of all living multicellular European land and fresh-water animals
- www.zin.ru - Chapter: Beetles (Coleoptera) and Coleopterists
- wbbresource.org - wood boring beetles of the World
- Titan - database Titan on world-wide Cerambycidae is constantly updated by Gérard Tavakilian & Hervé Chevillotte
- cerambycidae.org - Cerambycidae of the World
- www.lamiinae.org - catalog of the Lamiines of the World
- Cerambycidae.net - M.L. Danilevsky & M.Lazarev web devoted to Palaearctic Cerambycidae
- www.cerambycoidea.com - website about the World-wide Cerambycoidea
Private Cerambycidae sites
Other web sites of our friends
- Beetles & Rock Art in Libya - site focused on Cerambycidae, Buprestidae, Cleridae and Scarabeidae by Jean-Claude Ringenbach
- www.macrophotography.cz - one of the best sites devoted to macrophotography by Pavel Krásenský
- www.meloidae.com - a vast database of high-quality insect photos by Stanislav Krejčík
- Cosmin's Blog - great site devoted to nature photography, insect macrophotography and entomology by Cosmin Ovidiu Manci