[= Cartallum ebulinum (Linnaeus, 1767)]
[= Saperda ruficollis Fabricius, 1787]
[= Cerambyx (Saperda) monspeliensis Gmelin, 1790]

[Photo © Kirill V. Makarov and David Navrátil, click on the picture for 4K resolution]
Certallum ebulinum, a relatively common species with a large area of distribution from Iran through the Caucasus, the Middle East to the Western Mediterranean, has been described from "Gallia" as Cerambyx ebulinus by Carl Linné in 1767 [❖]. C. ebulinum is very variable species in terms of coloration of pronotum and elytra. Its larvae develop in stalks and roots of herbaceous plants, Brassicaceae family species are preferred (Sinapis, Eruca, Erysinum, Sisymbrium, etc.). Adults, active from February to June, are diurnal and anthophilous.
Body length: 5 – 12 mm Life cycle: 2 years Adults in: February – June Host plant: polyphagous in herbaceous plants, prefers Brassicaceae (Sinapis, Eruca, Erysinum, Sisymbrium) Distribution: Bulgaria, Mediterranean region, Near East, Turkey, Iran, Caucasus/Transcaucasia
The depicted mounted beetles were collected: blue ♂+♀ – on flowers in Poylu village environs (Agstafa rayon, Azerbaijan) on May 17–21, 2012; dark ♂ – Tagleft (تبروشت) village environs (N32°15′38″ W06°06′07″; 1000 m a.s.l., Azilal province, Béni Mellal-Khénifra region, Morocco) on May 30–31, 2018.The living specimen was collected in Kasristskali (კასრისწყალი) village environs (NP Vashlovani, Tskaro district, Kakheti Region, Eastern Georgia) on May 12–14, 2016.
Collected by Nataly Snegovaya, Martin Fiala and Petr Jelínek
Linné C.:
Systema Naturæ
Editio Duodecima Reformata, Laurent Salvius, Holmiæ 1 (2): 533-1327 [page 637], 1767. [download]

[Photo © Petr Jelínek]

[Photo © Petr Jelínek]
Subfamilia | Cerambycinae Latreille, 1802 |
Tribus | Pytheini Thomson, 1864 |
Genus | Certallum Dejean, 1821 |
Species | Certallum ebulinum (Linnaeus, 1767) |