Clytus relictus or Clytus robertae?
In August 2024, Robert Mineau, son of André Mineau, contacted Philippe Jacquot who described Clytus relictus, stating that he possessed a long-sought (and thought lost) specimen known in the older literature [❖] as Clytus robertae Mineau & Téocchi, 1986. A further exchange of letters and photographs followed, which helped to confirm the existence of this enigmatic beetle and thus the original discovery of the new taxon by André Mineau.
Mineau A. & Téocchi P.:
Un Clytus nouveau pour la faune de France (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
L'Entomologiste 42 (1): 11-12, 1986. [download]

[Photo © Robert Mineau]
↑ - Photograph of André Mineau's diary with notes on the description of Clytus robertae and a drawing of the specimen found.
↓ - Original specimen of Clytus relictus described under name Clytus robertae Mineau & Téocchi, 1986.

[Photo © Robert Mineau]
From André's notes, the drawing of the beetle and finally the preserved specimen, it is clear that this was a real discovery of a previously unknown species. Unfortunately, its description did not meet the requirements of the ICZN and is therefore considered nomen nudum. Nevertheless, it is necessary to highlight and document the importance of André's discovery so that it does not fall completely into oblivion.
The André's original specimen of Clytus robertae/relictus was transferred to the collections of the Muséum départemental du Var.