Dorcadion discodivisum, an endemic rare species to North-West Iran (East Azerbaijan), has been described from Khalkhāl village environs by Maurice Pic in 1939 [❖].
This species has long been considered only a form of D. laeve [✧], restituted was by Mikhal L. Danilevsky and Sergey V. Murzin in 2009 [✮].
D. discodivisum is a very local species, so far only one population is known around the village Khalkhāl (type locality) in Āzarbāijān-e Sharqi (East Azerbaijan) province.
Body length: | ♂ 11 - 13.4 mm / ♀ 13.7 - 15 mm |
Life cycle: | 1 year |
Adults in: | May - June |
Host plant: | roots of grasses |
Distribution: | an endemic species to Āzarbāijān-e Sharqi (East Azerbaijan) province of Iran |
The depicted male beetle was collected 6 km E of Khalkhāl (خلخال) village (2050 m a.s.l., Koshksaray rural district, Central District of Marand County, Azarbāijān-e Sharqi
province, Iran) on April 27, 2019.
Collected by J. Kadlec
Pic M.:
Notes diverses, nouveautés (Suite.).
L'Échange, Revue Linnéenne 55 (476): 21-22, 1939.
Breuning S.:
Revision der Dorcadionini (Col. Ceramb.)
Abhandlungen und Berichte aus dem staatlichen Museum für Tierkunde in Dresden 27: 666pp [pages 474-476], 1962.
Danilevsky M.L. and Murzin S.V.:
A revue of Dorcadion Dalman, 1817 species of "laeve-group" Part II (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae, Lamiinae).
Les Cahiers Magellanes 93: 1-22, 2009.