Glenea relicta, an Oriental and East-Palaearctic species of deciduous forests distributed in Russian Far East, China, India, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam, has been described from North China
by Francis Polkinghorne Pascoe in 1858 [▽]. G. relicta larvae feed subcortically in twigs and thin branches (diameter 2 - 4 cm) on living deciduous trees.
They create longitudinal sinuous galleries, weakly or highly impressed on sapwood, filled with fine frass containing bark and wood and overwinter twice in the gallery.
The last instar larvae create longitudinal pupal cells in upper layer of wood with entry/exit hole plugged with fibrous frass.
Pupation from May to July, life-cycle 2 years. Adults, active from June to September, can be found and beaten from branches and leaves of viable host trees [✧].
Body length: | 8 - 14 mm |
Life cycle: | 2 years |
Adults in: | June - September |
Host plant: | polyphagous in deciduous trees (Quercus, Alnus, Betula, Salix, Ulmus, Juglans, Prunus etc.) |
Distribution: | Russian Far East (Sakhalin, Kunashir), China, India, Japan, Korea, Vietnam |
The depicted mounted beetle was collected in Inunaki pass (Fukuoka prefecture, Kyushu, Japan) on June 25, 1983.
Collected by Takahisa Watanabe
Pascoe F.P.:
XVII. On New Genera and Species of Longicorn Coleoptera. Part III.
Transactions of the Entomological Society of London (2) 4 (6-7): 236-266, 1858.
Cherepanov A.I.:
Cerambycidae of Northern Asia, Volume 3 - Laminae Part III.
Oxonian Press, New Delhi: 395pp [pages 151-156] , 1991.
Breuning S.:
Revision der Gattung Glenea Newm. (1. Fortsetzung).
Entomologische Arbeiten aus dem Museum G. Frey, Tutzing bei München 7 (2): 671-893, 1858.