Neodorcadion fallax, a species occuring in Bulgaria, Greece and Moldavia, has been described as Dorcadion fallax from Thessaloniki environs by
Gustav Kraatz in 1873 [❖].
Body length: | ♂♂ 9.7 - 12.5 mm / ♀♀ 10.4 - 13.5 mm |
Life cycle: | 1 year |
Adults in: | April - June |
Host plant: | roots of herbaceous plants and grasses |
Distribution: | Bulgaria, Greece and Moldavia |
The depicted beetle was collected in Skepasto (Σκεπαστό) village environs (Arethousa, Volvi municipality, Thessaloniki regional unit, Central Macedonia, Greece)
on May 10, 2004.
Collected by S.Peslier
Kraatz G.:
Die Käfer Europas. Nach der Natur beschrieben von Dr. G. Kraatz im Anschluss an die Käfer Europa's von Dr. H. C. Küster.
In: Küster, 1873. Die Käfer Europas nach der Natur beschrieben 29: 1-101, 1873.
Pesarini C. and Sabbadini A.:
Ricerche sui Dorcadiini di Grecia. III. Le specie di Neodorcadion Ganglbauer, 1884, quelle del gruppo di
Dorcadion ljubetense e descrizione della nuova specie Dorcadion ariannae (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale in Milano 149 (1): 109-124, 2008.