Oberea ruficeps ruficeps, a nominotypical subspecies occuring in Kyrgizstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, western Siberia, an NW China, has been described from "Siberia orientali"
by Gotthelf Fischer von Waldheim in 1842 [▽]. Larvae of O. ruficeps ruficeps develop in stalks and roots of spurges (Euphorbia spp.).
Body length: | 9 - 13 mm |
Life cycle: | 1 - 2 years |
Adults in: | May - July |
Host plant: | spurges (Euphorbia spp. - e.g. E. uralensis, E. seguieriana, E. esula) |
Distribution: | Kyrgizstan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, western Siberia, NW China |
The depicted male beetle was collected in Baltakol' (Балтакөл) environs (N43°09′ E67°50′; 182 m a.s.l., Syrdarya river valley, Suzak district, Jalal-Abad region, South Kazakhstan) on June 7-12, 2016.
Collected by A.Shapovalov
Fischer von Waldheim G.:
Catalogus Coleopterorum in Siberia orientali a cel. Gregorio Silide Karelin collectorum.
Moscou, 28pp, 1842.
Plavilstshikov N.N.:
Über Oberea ruficeps Fisch-Waldh. (Col., Cerambyc.).
Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung 88: 321-323, 1927.