Osphranteria suaveolens, described by Ludwig Redtenbacher from South Persia (Shiraz env.) in 1850 [❖], is a not common Cerambycid species known from Iran,
Afghanistan and Pakistan.
Body length: | 17 - 25 mm |
Life cycle: | 1 - 2 years |
Adults in: | May - June |
Host plant: | unknown |
Distribution: | Iran, Afghanistan [✧] and Pakistan |
Depicted living beetles were found on flowering globethistles (Echinops sp.) in Hormozgan province (South Iran) on May 17, 2019.
The mounted specimen was captured in Gahkom environs (Hormozgan province, South Iran) on May 16, 2018.
Collected by P.Jelínek and T.Peterka
Kollar V. and Redtenbacher L.:
Über den Charakter der Insecten-Fauna von Südpersien.
Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften (Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse), Wien I: 42-53, 1850.
Lazarev M. A.:
Catalogue of Afghanistan Longhorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) with two descriptions of new Phytoecia (Parobereina Danilevsky, 2018) from Central Asia.
Humanity space - International Almanac 8 (2): 104-140, 2019.