Pogonarthron minutum has been described from "Persia" as Polyarthron minutum by Maurice Pic in 1905 [❖].
This very elegant and rare beetle is endemic to the Zagros Mountains in Iran. Males fly shortly after dusk and can be attracted to strong sources of artificial light.
Females walk on the ground and oviposit into the soil. They are very crepuscular and never come to light. For a new status of subgenus Pseudomonocladum
check paper by Michail Danilevsky and Ziro Komiya from 2014 [✧].
Body length: | ♂♂ 18 - 23 mm / ♀♀ 17-18 mm |
Life cycle: | unknown |
Adults in: | June - August |
Host plant: | unknown |
Distribution: | a species endemic to Iran |
The depicted beetles were collected in Iran by Lech Kruszelnicki and M.Rejzek.
Pic M.:
Enumération des Longicornes recueillis en Asie par M. de Morgan.
Bulletin du Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle de Paris 11: 390-393, 1905.
Danilevsky M.L. and Komiya Z.:
Pogonarthron (Multicladum subgen. n.) and a female of Pogonarthron (Pseudomonocladum Villiers, 1961, stat. nov.) minutum (Pic, 1905) (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
Humanity space - International Almanac 3 (2): 267-271, 2014.
Danilevsky M.L.:
Review of genus Pogonarthron Semenov, 1900 with a description of a new species (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
Les Cahiers Magellanes 40: 1-14, 2004.