[Photo © Kirill V. Makarov, click on the picture for 4K resolution]
Rhopaloscelis unifasciatus, an East-Palaearctic species occuring in Russia, China, Mongolia, Japan, Kazakhstan and Korea, was described by Constantin Blessig from Russian far East in 1873 [❖]. R. unifasciatus is a broadly polyphagous beetle, whose larvae develop in the twigs/shoots of various deciduous trees and shrubs, but prefers Salix, Morus, Acer, Aralia and Ulmus. The larvae feed subcortically creating longitudinal, often densely arranged galleries filled with frass. The life cycle two years. Adults, active from May to July, conduct their maturation feeding on the young and thin twigs or branches of host trees/shrubs [✧].
Body length: 6 - 9 mm Life cycle: 2 years Adults in: May - July Host plant: polyphagous in deciduous trees and shrubs Distribution: Russia (Siberia, Far East), China, Mongolia, Japan, Kazakhstan, Korea
The depicted beetles were collected: ♂ (7.8 mm) in abandoned settlement Zastava Dokuchayeva (Застава Докучаева) environs (N44°30′34″ E146°09′29″; ca 45 m a.s.l., Kunashir/Кунаши́р island, Kuril Islands, Yuzhno-Kurilsky district, Sakhalin region, Russia) on August 3, 2013; ♀ (8.0 mm) at Listvennichnaya (Лиственничная) river above mouth of Kamenystyi (Каменистый) creek (N43°34′37″ E131°20′51″; ca 480 m a.s.l, Borisovskoye Plateau, South of Primorsky krai, Far Eastern Federal District, Russia) on May 29, 2019.Collected by Kirill V. Makarov and Artem Zaitsev
Blessig C.:
Zur Kenntniss der Käferfauna Süd-Ost-Sibiriens insbesondere des Amur-Landes. Longicornia.
Horae Societatis Entomologicae Rossicae, St. Petersbourg 9 (3) [1872]: 193-260, 1873. [download]
Karpiński L., Szczepański W.T., Plewa R., Walczak M., Hilszczański J., Kruszelnicki L., Łoś K., Jaworski T., Bidas M., Tarwacki G.:
New data on the distribution, biology and ecology of the longhorn beetles from the area of South and East Kazakhstan (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae)
ZooKeys 805: 59–126 (2018) [download]
Subfamilia | Lamiinae Latreille, 1825 |
Tribus | Desmiphorini Thomson, 1860 |
Genus | Rhopaloscelis Blessig, 1873 |
Species | Rhopaloscelis unifasciatus Blessig, 1873 |