Stenocorus validicornis, a species occuring in Kyrgyzstan and Uzbekistan, has been firstly mentioned as Toxotus validicornis by Maurice Pic
in 1900 [▽] and eventually described in detail by the same author in 1906 [✧]. Information on the larval biology of the species/subspecies
are insufficient, but the mass collection of beetles in mountain meadows in the absence of trees and shrubs suggests a connection between the larvae and
the roots of herbaceous plants [❖].
Stenocorus (Toxotochorus) validicornis mediocris, a subspecies known from North-East Uzbekistan and North-West Kyrgyzstan, has been
described by Mikhail Danilevsky in 2012 [✩]. Adults, active from June to July, are diurnal and anthophilous.
Body length: | ♂♂ 13 - 25 mm / ♀♀ 19.5 - 30 mm |
Life cycle: | unknown |
Adults in: | June - July |
Host plant: | probably in roots of herbaceous plants |
Distribution: | Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan |
The depicted mounted male beetle was collected in Kyrgyzstan.
Pic M.:
Catalogue bibliographique et synonymique des Longicornes d'Europe et des régions avoisinantes comprenant les régions suivantes: Région circaméditerranéenne. Région caucasique.
Région transcaspienne. La Perse, le Turkestan, la Sibérie.
Matériaux pour servir à l'étude des Longicornes 3 (2): 11-66, 1900.
Pic M.:
Notes sur divers genres ou espèces avec diagnoses.
Matériaux pour servir à l'étude des Longicornes 6 (1): 4-14, 1906.
Danilevsky M.L.:
Additions and corrections to the new Catalogue of Palaearctic Cerambycidae (Coleoptera) edited by I. Löbl and A. Smetana, 2010. Part. VI.
Humanity space - International Almanac 1 (4): 900-943, 2012.
Danilevsky M.L.:
Longicorn beetles (Coleoptera, Cerambycoidea) of Russia and adjacent countries. Part 1.
Higher School Consulting, Moscow, 550pp [page 105-106], 2014.