Certallum martini, a very rare Maghrebian species known from Algeria and Morocco, has been described from Ifrane environs (Morocco) by Gianfranco Sama in 1990 [❖].
C. martini differs from the related and common Mediterranean species Certallum ebulinum (Linnaeus, 1767) by thicker, shorter and much darker (mostly black) antennae.
Biology of this rarity is unknown. Adults, active from April to June, are diurnal and anthophilous.
Body length: | 5 - 8 mm |
Life cycle: | 2 years [?] |
Adults in: | April - June |
Host plant: | unknown |
Distribution: | Algeria, Morocco |
The depicted beetle was collected in Tīpāza (تيپازة) evirons (Tipaza province, Algeria) on May 11, 1987.
Collected by Martin Škorpík
Sama G.:
Description d'un Certallum nouveau de l'Afrique du Nord (Coleoptera Cerambycidae).
L'Entomologiste 46 (6): 287-289, 1990.
Holzschuh C.:
33 neue Bockkäfer aus der palaearktischen und orientalischen Region (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae).
Schriftenreihe der Forstlichen Bundesversuchanstalt (FBVA-Berichte), Wien 51: 5-34, 1991.
Trócoli S.:
Actualización del catálogo de Longicornios de Marruecos / Actualisation du catalogue des Longicornes du Maroc (Parte III / Partie III : Cerambycidae : Cerambycinae).
Revue de l'Association Roussillonnaise d'Entomologie (R.A.R.E.) 28 (3): 143–185, 2019.